Final report - complete set - 2 cartons


Complete set includes:

Executive Summary, Our vision for an inclusive Australia and Recommendations, Volume 1: Voices of people with disability (3 books), Volume 2:  About the Royal Commission, Volume 3:  Nature and extent of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, Volume 4: Realising the human rights of people with disability, Volume 5: Governing for inclusion, Volume 6: Enabling autonomy and access, Volume 7: Inclusive education, employment, housing, Volume 8:  Criminal justice and people with disability, Volume 9:  First Nations people with disability, Volume 10: Disability services, Volume 11: Independent oversight and complaint mechanisms, Volume 12: Beyond Royal Commission.

These 15 books have a total of 6788 pages with cartons weights of 12.5kg (for box 1) and 8.5kg (for box 2).

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Availability: 146 Sets
The Minimum Per Order Quantity for this product is 1 Units
The Maximum Per Order Quantity for this product is 3 Units (Applicable to each address location in your cart)